This year marks the 20 year anniversary of meeting my personal mentor, Jim Rohn.
There is no question I would not be the man (or achiever) I am today if not for his mentorship.
Jim cemented my philosophical foundation and nourished my mind with ideas and ambitions never before imagined. Jim chiseled my character seminar by seminar, tape by tape, book by book, then CD by CD, hour by hour.
Jim emboldened my belief, in me and in my most daring dreams. When I fell and was bloodied, Jim was there with encouraging words to help me get back up. When I didn’t think I could go on, Jim convinced me I was stronger than I imagined. When I wanted a short cut, Jim reminded me aren’t any. Even when I got too caught up in trying to achieve and succeed, Jim compelled me to leave room to live, to laugh and to love.
Jim lives on in me and in my never ending commitment to pass along and perpetuate his profound teachings and philosophical insights to millions more. That is my commitment to Jim and to you.
To honor Jim, and this anniversary, I wanted to find a way to pay it forward (to YOU)… but in a BIG way!
I call this my “give back” program.
For a solid year I have been writing, designing, filming, editing and pulling together some of the best mentoring insights I have collected. And now I am ready to mentor YOU, daily!
I will be with you, every day, to guide, push, poke, prod and inspire your success. Here, watch this and I will personally tell you what this is all about:

The best part? It’s absolutely and entirely FREE!!
This is truly a gift of appreciation… something I hope would make my mentor, Jim Rohn, very proud.
What Jim taught me, and I have continued to pass forward, is:
Massive success is only achieved through small, consistent daily improvements.
That’s what this program will help you do.
Starting this Monday morning, July 21st, in under 5 minutes a day you will have the idea, tip or tool to make that small improvement.
260 week days later, there is no telling how massive your success can become!
Jim Rohn always said:
"If you will change, everything will change for you. Don't wait for things to change. Change doesn't start out there. Change starts within. And when you change, miraculously, your relationships, your health, your business, your children, EVERYTHING else changes around you. But all change starts with you."
Are you ready to make that CHANGE?
Subscription is 100% FREE here:
It’s my gift.
A gift that was given to me that I am now thrilled to give to you--every day.
I’m looking forward to our daily mentorship together— I hope you are too!
Your friend in SUCCESS,
Darren Hardy